Saturday, March 26, 2011

What part of "Injunction" does Walker not get?

So, A judge issues an injunction banning the publishing of the anti-union law that Scott Walker and his cronies the Fitzgeralds sneaked through the Wisconsin Senate under cover of night and no notice. You'd think that injunction was pretty clear, right?

Not to Walker, et. al. The Fitzgerald boys went ahead and had it published, which they now claim means it is the law, and they intend to enforce it. Id like to ask, now, are they insane? but obviously they are not legally insane. They're just power-mad, and willing to subvert any law to obtain absolute power.  Those recalls can't happen soon enough!

Here at home in California, we're experiencing the cognitive dissonance of having our state assemblymen/women tell us we shouldn't be allowed to vote on taxes or any other important issues. They should be the ones to do that.  Right, like those idiots who've managed to tie California's budget into a straightjacket should obviously be the ones to vote, not the citizens who end up paying for it all.  Our state government is totally dysfunctional, not completely due to their own fault. California has this truly terrible law that lets anyone at all propose constitutional amendments and get them on the ballot. Or any other sort of law. We get all the crazies coming into CA just to try out their newest oddball, fiscally irresponsible, or discriminatory law.

That may sound contadictory, but it truly isn't. I don't believe that political or social groups should have the right to alter a state constitution on a whim and and huge, partisan funding. Especially now that the Supreme Court has decided that corporations are people just like you and me. (That so needs to be revisited when the Justices are in their right minds!)

Our system means that, for example, an anti-tax group could write a law that says our assembly can't pass any taxes without 2/3 of them voting for it. That effectively means no taxes will ever get passed, since in the highly partisan atmosphere of state and federal politics, it's virually impossible to get a simple majority unless your government is a single party one. And we're seeing how well that works out, around the country right now.

California needs to dump the hamstringed state constitution and write a new one. The one we have has been altered beyond recognition. And our state senators and assemblymembers need to realize that, right now, with the huge financial problems besetting this state, it's time to let the people decide on how to get out from under. Forget asking us to trust you all to make the right decision. If you all could do that, we wouldn't be in this mess, now.

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